Astro Engine is a game development framework that provides all the things you need to easily develop games. It uses the scripting language Wren for game logic, taking full advantage of the features that come with an embedded scripting language.
- Intuitive API that utilizes Wren as its language
- Manual and automatic resource management
- Fast and very flexible cameras
- Simple level and entity management
- Complete API documentation
- Load Tiled maps automatically
Getting Started
See Getting Started for a detailed breakdown, and check out the API Reference for everything else. In short, you need a Wren file the engine will use as an entry point and at least one level.
class Game is Level {
construct new() { }
create() {
_x = 100
_y = 100
pre_frame() { }
update() {
var speed = * 100
_x = _x + Keyboard.keys_as_axis(Keyboard.KEY_A, Keyboard.KEY_D) * speed
_y = _y + Keyboard.keys_as_axis(Keyboard.KEY_W, Keyboard.KEY_S) * speed
Renderer.draw_sprite(Assets.spr_sprite, _x, _y)
Renderer.draw_font(Assets.fnt_font, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 0, 0)
destroy() { }
Astro is currently tested exclusively on Windows. Previous versions have been tested successfully on Ubuntu with virtually no issue, but OSX support is untested. Astro is built on top of Vulkan2D and Wren, Wren should be fine on basically any platform including game consoles because its bytecode-interpreted and not JIT, but Vulkan2D is not as permissive. It requires a platform that supports Vulkan 1.2, meaning on OSX it has to be built with MoltenVK and other platforms are more complicated. If anybody wishes to contribute on these fronts, please create a pull request.